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This particular study was one where I had to be honest with myself; and, ask if I was going to pay more attention to what pastors were saying  (which is in opposition to what the BIBLE is actually teaching); or, was I going to listen to what the CREATOR is telling us.

Friend you have to choose. We must CHOOSE to whom we are going to submit. It will either be to the Prince of Peace; the one who bled; and, died for you on Calvary; who is the very manifestation; the very image of the invisible Elohim who dwells in unapproachable light; and, beckons us to walk as HE did in obedience to the written Torah which HE DELIVERED to us on Mt. Sinai long before HE ever dwelt in a tent of flesh. OR, we will choose to submit to the one who came in his own name; the deceiver; the liar; the prince of rebellion who cannot; and, will not save; but, who will perish just as men perish.

We must choose to be either wise; or, foolish. I challenge you to examine what the Bible says about those who are WISE; and, those who are FOOLS. The differences are in the behaviors; and, way of life. Very soon it will become clear who we are; and, who you are; and, who THEY ARE. 


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