Hello Friend,

I hope you have your thinking caps on! Grab some paper; a highlighter pen; a cup of coffee; and prepare to DIG IN with me. I suggest that you take full advantage of using Bible study software to assist you in searching the Bible's text.

Today I would like to share with you much of the evidence I have uncovered in the Bible; and, from OTHER non-canonical sources; which assert Jesus isn't just of Judah as we have been led to believe. 

Were you aware that Yeshua; the one whom many call "Jesus," takes the time to challenge the Scribes; and, Pharisees themselves; regarding the very genealogy of "The Christ?" 

Yes; my friends, Yeshua Himself (from His own lips) takes the time to challenge them; simultaneously directing our attention to Psalm 110 which is PREGNANT with meaning. 

The (4) three passages which we need to examine first are:

      • Matthew 22:41-46 
      • Mark 12: 35-37
      • Luke 20:39-44
      • Psalm 110

In all three of these passages from the Gospels Yeshua checkmates the religious leaders asking a question He surely knows the answer to; but, they do not. He asks of them only three (3) questions:

"What do you think about The Christwhose son is He?" 

Both the Scribes; and, the Pharisees respond to Yeshua saying: 

"The son of David." 

Yeshua then responds; asking another question: 

"How then does David in the spirit call Him 'Lord' saying:

"The LORD said to my Lord Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool."

"If David then calls Him 'Lord' how is He his son?"

Jesus is directly challenging the prevailing thinking of the religious leaders regarding the very TRIBAL STATUS of "The Christ;" the one who was prophesied to come. 

THEY assert that the Christ is "of David;" which would make Him "of Judah" by default. Yet Yeshua's questions; and citation, gives us another tribe by offering what is called a Remez (meaning "hint;" or "suggestion.") without directly giving them an answer which just so happens to be a VERY Rabbinic method of teaching. Answering a question with a question.

Here is Palm 110 in it's entirety:

'The LORD (YHWH) said to my Lord: (ADONAI)
"Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.  The LORD (YHWH) shall send the rod of His strength out of Zion. Rule in the midst of Your enemies. Your people shall be volunteers in the day of Your power; In the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning. You have the dew of Your youth.
The LORD (YHWH) has sworn; and, will not relent. You are a Priest forever; according to the order of Melchizedek.
The Lord (ADONAI) is at Your right hand

         He shall execute Kings in the day of His wrath.
         He shall judge among the nations;
         He shall fill the places with dead bodies.
         He shall execute the heads of many countries.
         He shall drink of the brook by the wayside; therefore
         He shall lift up the head." 

Ok now. There are some things in this passage I'd like to bring to your attention. First take note that the two (2) words LORD; and, Lord are very different in Hebrew. Not only are these two words spelled and pronounced differently in Hebrew; but their meaning is also very different. 

Friend, the English HIDES what we need to see. Studying your Bible in English alone is like kissing your bride thru a veil. If you WANT to KNOW her; the veil's gotta go. 

What I did was use Bible study software (E-SWORD to look at every place ADONAI ("Lord") appears in the text of the Bible (IN HEBREW); and, did a study on "right hand."  

You cannot simply search for "Lord;" because in addition to every place IT appears; you will also return the search results for "LORD;" giving say the Blueletterbible.com student 6,888 passages to wade thru.  

  • "Adonai" Study Coversheet (LINK)
  • "Adonai YHWH" Hebrew Study (LINK)
  • "Right Hand" Study (LINK)

In Psalm 110 we are instructed that ADONAI (Lord) sits at the right hand of YHWH (LORD). He sits there (doesn't return) UNTIL His enemies are made his footstool. ADONAI (Lord)  is BOTH a RULER; AND A PRIEST. 

He is literally a King-Priest representing the two tribes of Judah; and, Levi which YHVH (LORD) has CHOSEN. (Jeremiah 33:17-26). He is Young; He has the dew of His youth. YHWH (LORD) declares that ADONAI (Lord) is a priest forever; but, He is a special Kind of priest. 

A Melchizedek. 

I'm going to assert to you that Kohath (a subdivision of Levi); which is where ALL High Priests (just like Aaron) are chosen from; is the birth tribe of Yeshua's Mother Miriam. Making Yeshua a Levite also (thru His mother's lineage). Later in this article; I will be showing you HOW I came to this conclusion, proving it with evidence from within the Bible's text; and, an early Church Historian named Eusebius of Caesarea. 

Again (a second time) in Psalm 110; we are instructed that ADONAI (Lord) sits at the right hand of YHWH (LORD), this is the station of a priest. 

This particular King-Priest has a "day of wrath;" He judges the nations; executes Kings; and, rulers; and, He drinks from the brook; lifting up His head just as those YHWH chose to go with Gideon did. Those chosen kept their eyes upon the horizon using their hands to lap of the water as a dog. 

Judgement itself is the responsibility; and function of the priests. As is the execution of judgment.

Once you have examined these three gospel passages; and, Psalm 110; then we need to go back thru these passages I have indicated BELOW, to gain a fuller understanding of what Yeshua ("Jesus") is trying to convey without plainly saying it; keeping its meaning cloaked (like parables) from those who do not have eyes to see; or ears to hear. 

Other passages from within the Bible's text we will be covering are:

  1. Deuteronomy 18:1- 18:22. 

    "The Prophet Like Unto Moses" is prophesied to come from among Levi; and his descendants. Levi had three sons (Gershon, Kohath, and Merari). Moses and Aaron are both Kohathites.

    This prophet who was to come must come from the midst of Moses' brethren. Again, Moses is a Levite; but, is ALSO of the sub-tribe Kohath from which all High Priests are to be chosen from.

    Examining the layout of the Tribes of Israel within the Wildnerness helped me to grasp what God meant when He told Moses that He would raise up a prophet LIKE HIM; from among "their brethren" from the midst of the Tribe of Levi. 

    Notice how the three (3) sons of Levi [Gershon, Kohath; and, Merari]; along with the camp of the High Priest [Aaron] serve to surround the Tabernacle acting as a buffer between (YHWH) aka YAHUAH ("The LORD"); and, His people Israel. Levi is "within the midst" of the camp itself.

  2. Malachi 2: 4-5.

    "The Covenant of Life and Peace" belongs to Levi; and his descendants.

  3. John 6:35; 6:48; 6:51.

    Jesus is "the Bread of Life;" notice his connection to Levi's Covenant of "life and peace."

    Also consider Jesus's own statement:

    "Man shall not live by bread alone; but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4; and Luke 4:4.

    Yeshua ("Jesus") is DIRECTLY quoting the Written Torah ("Torah Moshe"). In particular Deuteronomy 8:3. Friend; I'm going to assert that our "faith" in Jesus isn't enough. He himself is telling us that we need to learn to live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (IF we desire to LIVE in His Presence; and, have access to PEACE.

    He's asking us to live according to the Covenant of Life and Peace. He is asking us to live as a priest would live.  

  4. Isaiah 9:6-7.

    "For unto us a child is born; unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulders; and his name shall be called wonderful, counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father; The Prince of Peace." "Of the Increase of His government; and, peace there shall be no end; upon the throne of David; and upon his Kingdom to order it, and to establish it with judgment; and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the LORD of Hosts will do this."

    * Notice this child's very important connection to Levi's 
       "Covenant of Peace." 

    * Judgment is (the very function) of a Priest. 

  5. Numbers 25: 10-13.

    Phinehas slays an Israelite man; and Midianite woman; turning away God's Wrath. Phinehas is given "the Covenant of Peace" BECAUSE he was zealous.

    The execution of judgment is the very function of a priest.

    That should scare the hell out of all of us. Messiah will have the same zeal to defeat evil that Phinehas had when He comes the second time; and, His mercy is run out. Think about the 2nd Death; and, the Lake of Fire which destroys both the body; and, the soul. 

  6. 1 Chronicles 24:10 states

    "...the seventh to Hakkoz, the eighth to Abijah."

    Abijah's division was the 8th among the 24 priestly divisions.

    Each division would serve for a week (twice a year); in addition to the major feasts when all the priests were required to be present.

    The mention of Abijah's division also give us a temporal context for the events described in Luke's gospel. It allows us to approximate Zacharias' service in the temple, which becomes important in understanding the timing of John the Baptist's conception; and, birth; and, subsequently the birth of Yeshua ("Jesus").  
  7. Jeremiah 33: 17-26

    * Covenant with the House of David (Judah's Tribe)
    * Covenant with the Priests (The Levites)
    * The LORD'S choosing of two (2) families. (Jeremiah. 33:24)

    Were you aware that Aaron; the High Priest (LEVITE) married a woman named Elisheba the daughter of Amminadab of (JUDAH); and, that all Aaron's descendants were a mixture of both tribes YAHUAH ("The LORD") has chosen?

    Friend I'm going to assert to you this pattern of mixture exists within Yeshua's own family except it is reversed. Joseph was of Judah; and, Miriam was of Levi.

    Yes. I'm aware this is probably new information for you. We must allow for the text to interpret itself; and, allow for the solving of apparent "contradictions" by more study; deeper examination. 

  8. Matthew's Genealogy contains "begot" 39 times.

    Many have taught (IN ERROR) that Matthew is Joseph's Genealogy; and, that Luke is Mary's Genealogy.

    One of the earliest church's historians; named Eusebius, writes about "The Alleged Discrepancy in the Gospels" (LINK HERE) explaining that there is Levirite Marriage (Levirite is Latin for "Brother-in-law) occurring within Joseph's family necessitating two (2) genealogies.

    One is by nature (containing all the begets); and, the other is "by law" which would LACK all the "begetting." Just as an adopted child will have two genealogies; so does the child of a Levirite union. It was my own adoption; and, the necessity for my own two genealogies that helped me better understanding how Levirite Marriage necessitates the dual genealogies.

    My suggestion is that you study out what the Written Torah (the Pentateuch) itself says about "The duty of a brother." And likewise study out the book of Ruth; which is all about Levirite Marriage, which is itself a beautiful portrait of redemption; remarriage; family; and, community. 

    The appearance of the term "Begot" 39 times (is in itself a clue) as to which particular genealogy is being referred to; Legal; or Natural.  

    * This is a clue to us that this is Joseph's "Natural" Line.

  9. Luke's Genealogy lacks the term "begot."

    Notice that "begot" is conspicuously ABSENT from Luke's Gospel. Regardless of Translation. This isn't limited to the Greek texts either; they are also absent in the Aramaic Translation of the New Testament (Called The Peshitta).

    This should be a clue to us that this ISN'T Joseph's "Natural" Line; but, is something else entirely.  Don't forget what Eusebius has to say about why there are two genealogies; or, you will come to the wrong conclusion(s). The TRUTH sets us free. 

    * I'm going to assert to you that THIS is Joseph's "Legal" Line.

  10. Miriam's relationship with Elizabeth (Luke 1:36) "Suggenes."

    By examining how this Greek term "Suggenes" is used in the New Testament; and, where it appears; and, how it is used in the LXX; along with the term(s) it is used to translate from Hebrew (MT) into Greek (LXX) there is just enough data to reach a more concrete familial link between Miriam; and, her close relative; her aunt Elizabeth.

    The underlying Hebrew of the MT (Masoretic Text) where it appears twice in the EXACT FORM as Luke 1:36 are (both in the LXX); both in Leviticus 18:14; and, Leviticus 20:20. Both times it is used (in the LXX) to translate the Hebrew word "Doda" meaning: "aunt; the sister of your father."

    Context is everything my friends; and, this was a first century tri-lingual (Aramaic/Hebrew/Greek) Speaking family of priests where education was everything in first century Israel. Jesus actually cites verbatim the LXX about 80% of the time. I believe he wants us to examine it; because it pre-dates the oldest living fragments of the Masoretic Text by over 1,100 years. 

    Friends I'm going to assert that by taking into account what Eusebius has to say about Joseph that this is the ONLY possible explanation we can reach that harmonizes with all of scripture; answering many questions; but creating many new ones.

    I tell you the truth. Elizabeth is Miriam's "Dodah;" she is the sister; of Miriam's un-named father.  If Elizabeth is of Levi; and, of Aaron; then so is her un-named brother (Miriam's father); and, so then likewise is his daughter Miriam. 

  11. *** Haggai 2:18 *** 

    Friend I believe that Haggai 2:18 is revealing a clue to us about the possible time of year Miriam was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. During Chanukah ***

    Could this be the timing of Messiah's conception?

    Remember Jesus's personal connection to "Light" and the Festival of Lights? It is when the Jews surround him (John 10:22) asking Him if He was indeed the Messiah. John's description of Jesus; and, referencing "light" seven times is a reference to the Temple Menorah. Was he telegraphing more with visual imagery?

    When were the foundation stones of Solomon's Temple; and, Herod's Temple laid? During Ziv (the 2nd Month).

    So what Temple Foundation Stone is THIS talking about?

    My own conclusion is that I strongly suspect the "temple foundation" Haggai 2:18 is talking about; is the physical body of Yeshua ("Jesus") the double helix DNA Strand that was the very foundation of his body that would be knit together beginning at a time (Chanukah); which literally means "to dedicate;" or "set apart."

    He was indeed "set apart" from the very beginning.

    According to the Gospel of Luke; the Messiah was a FIRST-BORN SON; a Levite; a descendant of Aaron; from a High Priestly family; of the division of Abijah; a family whose uncle Zacharias was deemed eligible to enter the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement; a man who was eligible to offer the incense; also meaning that he was eligible to carry the written torah upon his shoulders' and, upon his lips; by birthright. It also means that both John the Baptist; and, Yeshua Himself were both eligible to offer up the blood of the sin sacrifice.

    Because Zacharias wife (Miriam's Aunt; the sister of Miriam's father) is also of Aaron's descendants; then her un-named brother; the un-named father of Miriam is ALSO a Levite; meaning that Miriam is HERSELF a Levite; descended of Aaron; and, also of the division of Abijah which is WHY LUKE tells us this to begin with.

    The connection is vital. Yeshua was so much more that just a "teacher" as we have been led to believe. No. Friends. He was a Rabbi; who argued with other Rabbi's; about what was the right way to live; according to the Oral Torah; or according to the Written Torah; and, the Prophets; and, the Writings. 

    Both Zacharias son John; and, his Nephew Yeshua "(Jesus") were to be brought forth via miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit. One couple too old; and, the other virgins. 

    I am certain that the Holy Spirit chose this time (Chanukah); during a well celebrated National Holiday highlighting the Nation's independence from Antiochus Epiphanies; which was won by the Family of High Priests who traced their lineage through Levi; Aaron; and Phinehas as we are instructed in the books of the Maccabees. You should read them if you haven't.


    Though I cannot prove it currently; I suspect strongly that Zacharias (and his family) may actually be related somehow (to the High Priestly Family) which God used to free His people from the grip of a wicked tyrant. By the Hand of Judas Maccabee and his sons. 

    Yeshua's ("Jesus") own eligibility (as an authentic High Priest; of a High Priestly family) gave Him the legal authority to teach within the temple. You couldn't just teach in the temple like today.

    Unfortunately today you can be a lesbian; trans-gender; who self identifies as a cat; and be called a "Rabbi." I wish I were kidding. They have cast down their crowns and trampled them beneath their feet.  

    Friend. You had to be eligible to teach in the temple. You couldn't just show up with an entourage of people; and, reserve some teaching space like you are at a local library. "Yo John!" "Tell them we want the big empty corner for teaching!" No friend Yeshua taught in the Temple BECAUSE That was His birthright; as a Levite; descended of Aaron, of the division of Abijah to teach Torah; to call even the sinner to it. 

    Haggai 2:18 is giving us His connection to its celebration; and, simultaneously a due date DURING TISHRI; only the Holiest month on the Hebrew Calendar. Making it quite possible He was born on the Feast of Trumpets; or the Day of Atonement; or during the Feast of Tabernacles.

    His mother's marriage securing His right to the Throne of David. Making Him LITERALLY a King Priest.

  12. Ezekiel 40:46

    *Chamber for the Zadok. In the written Torah these are for the Kohathites. Those are Levites; descended of Aaron; descended of Phinehas; descended of Zadok. They are now for those who did not go astray. Did John the Baptist go astray? Nope. Did Yeshua go astray? Nope. This chamber is for them; and, those who walk as they do; according to the Covenant of Life; and, Peace. 

I'm going to be making claims; and offering evidence which you should examine; and, test for yourselves.

My own journey down this path was not one I made flippantly; but, rather was approached with prayer; study; and, a DEEP DIVE into the Bible's text (Multiple Versions) over the last fifteen years of my life. 

I have examined the Bible cover to cover in English like many others before me. However I have also taken the time to examine it in Greek (both Testaments); Hebrew (Old Testament) called The Masoretic Text; and in Aramaic ("The Targums") which are  the Aramaic Translations of the Old Testament; and "The Peshitta" which is the Aramaic New Testament.

Please do not make the mistake of thinking that I have everything together. I don't. I'm a mess; and, have my own sin that I struggle with.

Personally I see myself as a wicked man; who has just begun to see; and, I am more ashamed of my sins that you could possibly ever know. I seek Him; because I am broken; and, I believe that (only the authentic version) of Messiah can ever free me; or, you from bondage to our sins. 

I pray that this study blesses you; and, assists you in seeing Christ more clearly. 

Should we be honest with ourselves this should shake us to the core as the scales of blindness fall from our eyes. Once we recognize what the Bible is teaching; it will help us to identify existing false teaching that is coming from pulpits all across the world. 

We have all been told a story; but, not THE STORY. 

What do I mean by this?

Friend, I'm going to be showing you how Messiah has been grossly misrepresented for Millenia. We have at our disposal many bible study tools that weren't even available to the Bereans. Let us use these tools to cut through the misrepresentation; and, get to the Truth. If the truth sets us free; then what does a lie do? Lies; and, deception will keep us from truth; and, keep us enslaved to sin.

What we will discover is that Jesus (a.k.a "Yeshua") an Aramaic NAME; and, a Hebrew word meaning ("Salvation") is Himself  ALSO of the tribe of Levi; more specifically that He is a descendant of Aaron (who was from the Tribe "Kohath" a subdivision of Levi. 

When we dig into Deuteronomy 18 what we discover is that YAHUAH (aka "The LORD") gives instruction to Moses who was HIMSELF of LEVI; and, KOHATH. YAH TWICE promises that He will "raise up" a prophet like Him ("like Moses") from the midst of his brethren. 

This prophet is prophesied to come MUST be LIKE MOSES. He MUST come from within the midst of the Tribe LEVI; and, the subdivision "KOHATH" which Moses himself is from.

This particular subdivision was the ONLY Tribe within Levi that was chosen to be able to enter into the Holy of Holies; to carry the ark of the covenant (upon poles they rested upon their shoulders) literally "bearing" the ark (and its contents) as they travelled.

They ALSO had the duty of servicing the Menorah (7 branches) by replacing the burnt wicks; and, adding new oil. NO OTHER TRIBE HAD THIS HONOR. A Hebrew LAMPSTAND!!!

Additionally they had the duty of offering the Incense upon the altar of incense within the temple itself. A duty we find Zacharias selected to perform.

Zacharias wasn't just of Levi; and Aaron; but of the Division of Abijah.

Kohath was the ONLY tribe from which ALL HIGH PRIESTS are instructed to come from. 

We will discover that Zacharias; and, his wife Elizabeth are BOTH descendants of Aaron; and, of Kohath. They are from a High Priestly family. Zacharias is himself also descended of Abijah (Luke 1:5) Making Zacharias ELIGIBLE to serve in the Temple as High Priest; if he can pass the rigors of the selection process.

What we will discover is that there were many times during this selection process where the hand of God intervened so that Zacharias would be selected to serve in the Temple offering the Incense upon the Altar of Incense; during the Day of Atonement. This seems to telegraph that God Himself is showing us WHO HE considers to be a righteous; and, holy priest; Zacharias; rather than Caiaphas himself.  

Below is a document entitled "Tamid: Zacharias and the Second Temple;" published by Lisle G. Brown in the Interpreter A Journal of Latter Day Saint Faith and Scholarship. Volume 48-2021-pages 339-376.


You can download this document for yourself HERE.

Just for clarity's sake I am NOT suggesting that Mormonism is the right way. I personally believe that Mormonism is a false religious system. The reason I am sharing this document with you; is that this woman (Lisle G. Brown) has seriously done her homework by examining what we would call "Jewish Law" (Talmud; Mishnah; and, Gemara) to discern what requirements may have existed at the time (within Judaism) that Zacharias would have been subjected to; in order to be eligible to be selected to serve in the Temple. 

I have looked high; and, low for others who have written about this very subject matter; and, I have found few; if any. If I could have found someone else's work on THIS TOPIC that was just as well researched from any other source; I would have posted it.

My interest lays squarely upon the data she has uncovered thru study. I encourage you to read her work (this particular article). You should check the sources she provides; but IGNORE anything that has to do specifically with the Mormon Church itself. 

Again I am NOT promoting Mormonism; rather I am promoting the study of scholarly articles which helps us to more clearly see what the Bible is teaching. As a believer we need to know how to "eat chicken" while spitting out the bones so to speak. 

This eligibility (genealogically speaking) would be passed to his son John the Baptist who would himself baptize Jesus ("Yeshua") into active ministry in the waters of the Jordan river. John himself wasn't serving within the Temple complex; probably because he rejected the corruption within the Priesthood itself.

Friend, were you aware that a NEW High Priest (to be considered legitimate); had to be confirmed by an EXISTING LEGITIMATE HIGH PRIEST? YAHUAH ("The LORD") had personally tapped Zacharias; and, his son John the Baptist to fulfill prophecy; and, to be the forerunner of the true Messiah; the True High Priest of YAHUAH.

Unfortunately, I already know that there are many who will argue against this without having reviewed the evidence; or, studied it out for themselves. What I am going to ask you to do is approach this with an open mind; but, to pay CLOSE ATTENTION to the prophecies; and, promises that God makes within the Old Testament that VALIDATES this. 

Another resource which I strongly suggest you read is what Tov Rose has written about John the Baptist from a Jewish Perspective. His writings are illuminating. (Tovrose.com)

One of the things I am going to assert to you is that the genealogy contained in Matthew; and, Luke are BOTH JOSEPH'S. Many have taught that Matthew is Joseph's genealogy; and, that Luke is Mary's. 

Friend we are going to be looking at Eusebius of Caesarea's book "The Church History" Chapter seven. And then digging into Ruth which teaches us about something called "the duty of a brother."  


Understanding what Levirite marriage is (Latin for "Brother-in-law"); and, how it applies to Joseph's genealogy will help us to discern rather quickly WHY there is a necessity for two (2) genealogies. We will find that one is a LEGAL LINE; and, the other his NATURAL LINE. 

Once we establish this we will need to go back into Luke and look at all the priestly connections.

Matthew's genealogy contains the term "begot" 39 times which strongly suggest his NATURAL LINE; or his family by nature. In Luke's genealogy the term is conspicuously ABSENT which tells us that THIS is his LEGAL LINE, his genealogy by LAW. 

Just as an adopted child has two genealogies; so do those who have "levirate marriage" occurring within the family line. In Joseph's family line this occurs several times making necessity for two genealogies.

BOTH of these genealogies serve to prove that either way you slice it; natural line; or legal line; his alleged "son" ("Jesus") has a LEGAL RIGHT to sit upon the throne of the King. Joseph's marriage to Mary gives her son ("Jesus") an inheritance that has prophetic implications; grafting Him into the Tribe of Judah which is NOT his Birth Tribe. 

Friend were you aware that in the time of Christ you could NOT eat from the table of a Levite; unless you were yourself a descendant of Levi as well? How then was Mary able to eat during the three months she was staying with Elizabeth and Zacharias? I'm going to assert strenuously that "Jesus" is a Levite by birth; just as his Uncle; and, Aunt. Not just a Levite; but a descendant of Kohath a high priestly family indeed.

If we accept what Eusebius declares about the genealogies contained in Matthew; and, in Luke; then we are left still needing to reconcile information within the Gospel of Luke which instructs us about MARY'S GENEOLOGY. First I would like to share a chart with you. 

This is a "Table of Consanguinity" for reference. Where it says "Person" you would write "Jesus;" under "Parents" just write Mary. Under brothers and sisters write "Jesus's brothers and sisters." Next we will be digging together into the Gospel of Luke (1:36) examining the Greek term "suggenes." Below we have the Greek text of the Textus Receptus. 

Below is the Strong's # G4773 with the ACTUAL TERM.

Below is the data from the Lexicon.

Here is the translation count (12) of its usage within the King James Version and how it is translated. Notice that the definition is rather broad. Kingsman, cousin, kinsfolk, related by blood.

I wondered where it appeared within the LXX. 

We are going to look more closely at how this Greek word is used in the LXX; and, look at the Hebrew word it is used to translate. Below you will see the Greek text of the LXX.

Below you will see the Hebrew of the Masoretic Text.

Below is the Hebrew term "doda." Friend we will discover that "doda" is much more specific than what it's Greek counterpart means. Remember this term "Doda" (H1733) is translated from Hebrew into Greek by using the Greek term Suggenes (G4773). 



If I use the Law of First Occurrence; and, simply apply it to the Greek; while being mindful of the Hebrew term it is used to translate then it would mean that Elizabeth is Miriam's Doda. 

Elizabeth is the SISTER OF MARY'S FATHER

Friend, if Elizabeth is of the Tribe of Levi; descended of Aaron; then wouldn't her BROTHER (Miriam's un-named father) ALSO BE OF LEVI? 

I'm going to assert to you that Mary is herself of the Tribe of Levi; a descendant of Aaron just as her Aunt; and, Uncle with whom she lived for three months until the birth of John the Baptist. We are going to discover that Jesus MUST be of Levi; AND of Judah in order to fulfill prophecy; and, to give Him the LEGAL authority to BOTH of these stations to be a King; and, a Legitimate High Priest giving Him the express legal authority to offer the blood of the Sin Sacrifice. 

When we examine this specific Greek word (and where it appears in the LXX) we can then gather more information helping us to unravel this mystery. We do so by examining the underlying Hebrew term(s) of the Targums; and, the Masoretic Text; which are translated into this specific Greek term in the LXX (Septuagint). Please take notes when you watch these videos. 

Download the PDF version of this document HERE.

Download the PDF Version of this document HERE.

Download the PDF document HERE.

Teaching on Hanukkah

The Authenticity of Hanukkah Rabbi Greg Hershburg.

The History and Mystery of Hanukkah Rabbi Greg Hershburg Part 1

The History and Mystery of Hanukkah Rabbi Greg Hershburg Part 2

119 Ministries teaching on Hanukkah



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