The Drivers Seat Preacher


Over the last 15 years of examining this book we call "The Bible" (in 3 different languages) I see it differently than I did as a child.

* English
* Greek
* Hebrew

Now Im examining it in a fourth (4th) language (Aramaic), along with the Targums. Have you ever heard of them? They happen to be where Matthew & John (the Gospels) appropriate much of the language they employ about Messiah. 

For over ten (10) years of my stay in California (I lived there for over twenty); I attended a small, local Messianic Congregation in West Covina.

I'd like to assert that Masonic and Messianic are NOT the same thing. I am NOT MASONIC; nor am I affiliated with them in any way. 

Friend, I chose a Messianic Jewish congregation specifically because I wanted an opportunity to learn about what Judaism actually teaches without dealing with the traditional hostilities to the New Testament that persist in Orthodox Jewish circles and their attitude towards the figure whom many call "Jesus" out of error and ignorance. 

While there I studied segments of the Mishnah, the Gemara, and the Jerusalem and Babylonian Talmud independently in an unstructured environment that allowed me freedom to explore at my own pace and without Rabbinic bias.

You can examine them too by using the free application called Sepharia. You can find it in the Google Play Store as a downloadable app; or access it via the world wide web.

What I have come to discover is that what the Bible calls "Torah" and what the Rabbis call "Torah" are very different. 

Most Christians I speak to are unfortunately functionally illiterate when it comes to their own Bibles contents let alone what Judaism itself teaches its congregants. 

This has led to the deception of both Jews and Gentiles alike when it comes to the part of Jesus's identity that has remained hidden quite well, by design. Why?

*** To keep us in bondage to sin.
*** To keep us ignorant of the truth.
*** To keep us lacking Knowledge.
*** To prevent us from accessing Wisdom.
*** To prevent us from applying Knowledge, and Wisdom.
*** To prevent mankind as a whole from Understanding the scope and nature of the war we are all subjected to without awareness. 

I tell you the truth. 

The one whom many call "Jesus" out of error, will come to know Him as Yeshua in Aramaic, and as Yahusha "Joshua" in Hebrew. 

Many shall come to understand He is a descendant of Kohath (thru Levi); then a descendant through Aaron; through Phinehas; and, through Zadok by birth. His birthright is that of a High Priest. Because of this truth, He cannot legally set aside what Messenger Yahuah declared was forever. To do so would invalidate Him from being able to go to the cross on our behalf. 

Were you aware that only a Levite descended of Aaron (a High Priest) was eligible to offer the blood of the Sin Sacrifice? 

Were you aware that only a High Priest was eligible to be selected to offer the Incense upon the Altar of Incense; just as His uncle Zachariah did? 

Were you aware that one who was to be immersed as a High Priest must draw near to The High Priest in order to legitimize his office; and, to fulfill all righteousness?

I hope that I am able to help you to see what many cannot (or do not) to the end (goal) that we both would be made ready; abandoning ALL INIQUITY to prepare ourselves for the 2nd coming of Messiah. He is coming soon. Sooner than you think.

But first, anti-christ must come and deceive many.

The Written Torah a.k.a. "Torah Moshe" was delivered to Moses upon Mt. Sinai (At Horeb). Moses is Himself of Levi; therefore it is His birthright to teach Torah, to protect it, to honor it; and to cause All the Children of Israel to LEARN how to walk in it, in obedience to the same Angel who redeemed Abraham from all evil. 

Come with me as we discover what has never been told to you. Come and see Him as He really Is, not how He has been misrepresented.


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