Friday, June 12, 2020


Good day to you!

Thank you for coming to my website. Perhaps you came here because someone told you about the studies I was posting; or, you received the link via email; or, you stumbled upon it quite by accident. Either way thanks for coming!

The links to your left are static pages of this site where I have posted primarily the "notes" (word/topical studies) I used in my own personal study of "The Parable of the 10 Virgins."

My hope is that you will see this method delivers us data that we NEED TO EXAMINE CLOSELY in order to make sense of what Messiah is saying. We must allow the Bible to interpret itself so that we are not INJECTING MEANING; but, rather that we DRAW OUT the original authorial intent of the writer who was influenced by the Holy Spirit to write EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID. 

Every thought; every deed; every action that is recorded in the text of the Bible is there to TEACH us. It is there by design to influence our minds; and, how we perceive the world around us; and, how we are to respond to IT; and, to THE CREATOR who made the Heavens'; the Earth; and, all GOOD THINGS that are in it.  

As you scroll down you will notice the following items on the list (LEFT):

  • "I am the Living God"

    This particular page is meant to expose you to The Peshitta (The Aramaic Translation) of the New Testament; and, to the claims Messiah makes (His statement's of identity).

    It is also meant to expose you to the History of the Aramaic text; when it originated (according to their own testimony); and, how it differs from the text the MAJORITY of the West has been exposed to.

    What has been promoted to us is NOT THE TRUTH

    Why is this so important? Because: 


    For most of us; the truth HASN'T been what was delivered to us; but, just a form of it.

    BEFORE you read this particular page; or, even LOOK at the Aramaic I would ask that you FIRST go through the Study of "The Parable of the Ten Virgins" FIRST

    Then next read the study: "What the TaNaK says about the Written Torah." 

    After you finish that study I would ask that you read the study:  "But Jesus Fulfilled the Law...Right?"

    Then we need to dig into a study on Grace; because, it has been misrepresented to us; and, I for one don't want to ignore what the Bible says about it.

    Its more important that you can possibly imagine. The study on "Grace vs. The Law" will expose you to ALL the places the Bible speaks of grace; not just the New Testament. Many believe (in error) that grace is a New Testament device only; yet, it isn't; and, those who find grace have behaviors that are different from those who DON'T receive it. Do you know what those behavioral differences are?

    In fact the Bible tells us that the Gentiles will come from afar declaring: "Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit." (Jeremiah16:19)  

  • "What the TaNaK (Old Testament) says about the Law."

    This particular page contains a study that took me almost five years to complete. When I began it was nothing but a handwritten notebook that morphed into what you see here.

    Unfortunately it STILL isn't finished to my own liking; as there is still more to examine. I need to finish it with the Usage and Appearance of the term "LAWS." 

    Currently the study covers only the Usage; and, Appearance of the term "LAW" as it appears first in English. Then it looks at the underlying terms in the Hebrew of the Old Testament; and, then those of the New Testament (Greek).

    From there I compared what the Greek Terms of the LXX (Septuagint) were that were used to translate the Hebrew of the TaNaK.

    This is the FOUNDATION; and, what we need to SEE; HEAR; and, UNDERSTAND what the BIBLE calls "TRUTH" that we might alter the way we THINK; and, CONDUCT OURSELVES. If we DO then we will become PERFECT; and, be READY at the APPEARING of our Lord (ADONAI YAHUAH) the Messenger of YAHUAH who became flesh. If we do not then we will become like the foolish virgins whom He says to  "I do not know you."

  • "But Jesus Fulfilled the Law...Right?"

    This particular study also was one that expanded over time as I dug deeper into the text of the Bible desperately trying to understand WHAT it really is declaring about this being many of us have known as "Jesus" which ISN'T the name He was given upon His birth; but, rather a replacement that has been misleading.

    All my life I was told "Jesus Fulfilled the Law" yet they would never really use the BIBLE to teach me what it meant. Instead they would explain it away. Here is an extremely THOROUGH examination of Matthew 5:17. 

  • "Grace vs. the Law."

    In this study we look at every single occurrence in the entirety of the Bible of the term "grace" first in ENGLISH then the underlying Hebrew/Greek. Make sure to fasten your seat belt because its going to show you what THEY NEVER HAVE. 

  • "My Yoke is Easy My Burden is Light"

    Many pastors today (in fact almost all of them) are teaching that Jesus did away with the Law when He died upon the cross freeing us from needing to obey it. The problem is that HE IS THE ONE WHO WROTE IT. HE IS THE ONE WHO DELIVERED IT TO MOSES AT SINAI.

    Furthermore NEVER did Messiah Himself declare to have NO BURDEN; or, YOKE. For those teaching that Jesus ISN'T GOD well the enemy has deceived you; and, the pastor who taught you that as well. 

These are NOT part of the 10-Virgins Parable Study; however, they ARE related in that they deal with what the BIBLE TEACHES by looking at the ENTIRE TEXT instead of just the New Testament. THERE ARE MY OWN STUDIES; MY OWN WORK; MY OWN TIME. If they bless you then please consider giving to this ministry.

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Good day to you! Thank you for coming to my website. Perhaps you came here because someone told you about the studies I was post...