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Depending on the version of the Bible you are using to perform your search will impact your search results. My suggestion is that you start with the King James Version (KJV); and, then add several other versions to your search results to be as thorough as possible. Blue Letter Bible's search feature makes this easy; as does E-Sword.
As you go through each search term some passages exposed by your search term will be completely obvious that they aren't applicable; or, relevant to your search. Even so I still ensure to highlight the search term so I know I have at least identified all the places it occurs. Some passages will stand out like a sore thumb and those I generally put a black box around; or, have additional highlighting; or, if it is REALLY IMPORTANT I will make sure to place a blue star next to it.
Another thing to consider is the FUNCTION of an item being spoken of. In this case we are talking about lamps. For the proper setting of this story we need to strongly consider its first century setting; and, that they didn't have the type of technology we do today.
If you went outside at night (at midnight); and, wanted to go somewhere you would need to use a lamp in order to ensure that you can SEE where you are walking. If you are walking around in the dark WITHOUT ANY LIGHT that's a good way to get hurt; or, killed if you make a wrong step depending on where you are going.
We know that this parables setting is at NIGHT when it is DARK OUTSIDE; and, there is no light from the Sun. Neither can we assume that they would have moon-light to guide them. It is quite possible; and, very likely if you have studied the Feasts of the LORD that you are already keen to the idea that the LORD's return is tied to a Feast Day; and, is alluded to in the text of the Bible.
I'll show you where later on but for now just know that Messiah's return is tied to Yom Ha Kese meaning "The Hidden Day;" also known as "The Day of Hiding." It occurs at the beginning of the month BEFORE the crescent moon is seen. We must WATCH for it. There will be NO MOON therefore YOU WILL NEED LIGHT!!!
If you don't have any oil in your lamp then you WON'T have any light to guide you. It means that those who do not have any oil; ARE WALKING IN DARKNESS. It is also why they are called "foolish" because fools do not walk in the light; but, rather walk in darkness according to the Bible.
When we begin to compare; and, contrast what the Bible itself says about those who are WISE; and, those who are FOOLISH it will become even more clear.
Many of you have been taught (in error) like I was as a child that Messiah came to do away with the Written Torah; and, that He frees you from the law. Here's the problem with that view. The law was never delivered to Gentiles; but, was delivered to Israel.
The Gentiles NEVER agreed corporately to accept the Written Torah; and, furthermore at what time in the History of Israel did YAHUAH require the foreign nations to keep His Torah? NEVER!
I tell you the truth we need to pay attention to the words of Messiah even more than we listen to the words of men (who use the words of Paul) as if they override; or, trump the words of Messiah.
Paul did not die for my sin; nor, did Paul die for yours. PAUL CANNOT SAVE YOU. Paul is not Messiah. Therefore focus FIRST upon the words of Messiah; and, ensure you understand them through he lens of the written Torah; and, THEN you will properly understand Paul; and, avoid being accused of foolishly leading others astray.
Let the Bible dictate to you what your theology should be; not, men.
As you go through each search term some passages exposed by your search term will be completely obvious that they aren't applicable; or, relevant to your search. Even so I still ensure to highlight the search term so I know I have at least identified all the places it occurs. Some passages will stand out like a sore thumb and those I generally put a black box around; or, have additional highlighting; or, if it is REALLY IMPORTANT I will make sure to place a blue star next to it.
Another thing to consider is the FUNCTION of an item being spoken of. In this case we are talking about lamps. For the proper setting of this story we need to strongly consider its first century setting; and, that they didn't have the type of technology we do today.
If you went outside at night (at midnight); and, wanted to go somewhere you would need to use a lamp in order to ensure that you can SEE where you are walking. If you are walking around in the dark WITHOUT ANY LIGHT that's a good way to get hurt; or, killed if you make a wrong step depending on where you are going.
We know that this parables setting is at NIGHT when it is DARK OUTSIDE; and, there is no light from the Sun. Neither can we assume that they would have moon-light to guide them. It is quite possible; and, very likely if you have studied the Feasts of the LORD that you are already keen to the idea that the LORD's return is tied to a Feast Day; and, is alluded to in the text of the Bible.
I'll show you where later on but for now just know that Messiah's return is tied to Yom Ha Kese meaning "The Hidden Day;" also known as "The Day of Hiding." It occurs at the beginning of the month BEFORE the crescent moon is seen. We must WATCH for it. There will be NO MOON therefore YOU WILL NEED LIGHT!!!
If you don't have any oil in your lamp then you WON'T have any light to guide you. It means that those who do not have any oil; ARE WALKING IN DARKNESS. It is also why they are called "foolish" because fools do not walk in the light; but, rather walk in darkness according to the Bible.
When we begin to compare; and, contrast what the Bible itself says about those who are WISE; and, those who are FOOLISH it will become even more clear.
Many of you have been taught (in error) like I was as a child that Messiah came to do away with the Written Torah; and, that He frees you from the law. Here's the problem with that view. The law was never delivered to Gentiles; but, was delivered to Israel.
The Gentiles NEVER agreed corporately to accept the Written Torah; and, furthermore at what time in the History of Israel did YAHUAH require the foreign nations to keep His Torah? NEVER!
I tell you the truth we need to pay attention to the words of Messiah even more than we listen to the words of men (who use the words of Paul) as if they override; or, trump the words of Messiah.
Paul did not die for my sin; nor, did Paul die for yours. PAUL CANNOT SAVE YOU. Paul is not Messiah. Therefore focus FIRST upon the words of Messiah; and, ensure you understand them through he lens of the written Torah; and, THEN you will properly understand Paul; and, avoid being accused of foolishly leading others astray.
Let the Bible dictate to you what your theology should be; not, men.
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