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Friend the most important thing you can glean from this particular search term is the knowledge of; and, understanding that "The Bridegroom" is a phrase that is referring to Messiah Himself

This parable is talking about the Timing of His return; and, warning us about behavior that is described by our study terms which will help us see clearly what we are supposed to be doing which many are not. 

Think of a man who is in love with a woman; his real life doesn't begin until they are married. The difference between a normal marriage; and, HIS MARRIAGE is that Messiah isn't marrying a PERSON

We a couple meets; and, dates everything up to that point (The Marriage) is just laying the foundation for their lives together. They spend this time getting to know one another and deciding if this is the person they desire to spend the rest of their lives with. Messiah's life will never end. He desires to spend ETERNITY with HIS BRIDE. Lets discover more about the Bridegroom; and, His Bride shall we?

This theme of marriage; and, being drawn to Messiah is throughout scripture; and, throughout the New Testament as well. We must understand what the Bible says about the BRIDEGROOM because it tells us WHEN HE COMES. 

Also I challenge you to study out the identity of HIS BRIDE

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